Incredible invention: 3D-printed prosthetic finger brings hope to accident victims! - Engineer Simple

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Incredible invention: 3D-printed prosthetic finger brings hope to accident victims!

The world of technology is constantly evolving and bringing us new and exciting developments. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the latest tech news, including a story about a man who received a 3D-printed prosthetic finger.

3D-Printed Prosthetics

A Nebraska man was recently gifted a 3D-printed prosthetic finger 20 years after accidentally chopping off his pinky with a power tool. The design is also cheaper than the $20,000 price tag of a medical prosthetic. The prosthetic was designed by a team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This is just one example of how 3D printing technology is revolutionizing the medical industry and making prosthetics more accessible and affordable.

What other 3D-printed prosthetics are there?

There are many 3D-printed prosthetics available. They are functional prostheses of various body parts. They are developed through 3D printing technology, making them affordable to everyone and extending their manufacture to a common user. There are even 3D printed prosthetics for the youngest. In a word, they are changing the face of medicine and engineering.

What materials are used in 3D printing?

Materials often used in 3D printing include ABS plastics or the stronger Bridge nylon.

What is ABS plastic?

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is a common thermoplastic polymer. It is a terpolymer made by polymerizing styrene and acrylonitrile in the presence of polybutadiene. The proportions can vary from 15% to 35% acrylonitrile, 5% to 30% butadiene and 40% to 60% styrene.

What is Bridge nylon?

Bridge nylon is a 3D printing filament that has excellent tensile strength and extremely low surface friction after printing, making it ideal for engineering applications like machine tooling and for creating threaded, functional parts.

These are just a few examples of the latest tech news. From 3D-printed prosthetics to new gadgets and apps, the world of technology is constantly evolving and bringing us new and exciting developments. Stay tuned for more updates on the latest tech news!

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