Shockley Diode
Shockley Diode
Named after its inventor, a Shockley diode is a PNPN device having two terminals as
shown in Fig. 1 (i).
This *device acts as a switch and consists of four alternate P-type
and N-type layers in a single crystal. The various layers are label as P 1, N 1, P 2 and N 2
for identification.

Since a p-region adjacent to an N-region may be consider a junction
diode, the shockly diode is equivalent to three junction diodes connected in series as
shown in Fig. 1 (ii). The symbol of Shockley diode is show in Fig.1 (iii).
*Note that if we remove the gate terminal of as SCR, the resulting device is Shockley diode.
When diode is forward biase (i.e., anode is positive w.r.t.
cathode), diodes D 1 and D 3 would be forward-biase while diode D 2 would
be reverse-biase. Since diode D 2 offers very high resistance (being
reverse biased) and the three diodes are in series, the diode
presents a very high resistance. As the *forward voltage increases, the
reverse bias across D 2 is also increase.
At some forward voltage (called
breakover voltage V BO ), reverse breakdown of D 2 occurs. Since this
breakdown results in reduced resistance, the diode presents a
very low resistance. From now onwards, the diode behaves as a
conventional forward-biased diode; the forward current being determine
by the applied voltage and external load resistance. This behavior of
diode is indicate on its V-I characteristic in Fig. 2.

When Shockley diode is reverse biased (i.e., anode is negative w.r.t.
cathode), diode D 1 and D 3 would be reverse-biased while diode D 2 would
be forward-biased.
If reverse voltage is increase sufficiently, the reverse
voltage breakdown (point A in Fig. 2) of diode is reach. At
this point, diodes D 1 and D 3 would go into reverse-voltage breakdown, the
reverse current flowing
Since D 1 and D 3 offer very low resistance (being forward biased), the entire applied voltage
appears as reverse voltage across D 2.
through them would rise rapidly and the heat produced by this current flow could ruin
the entire device. For this reason, diode should never be operate with a
reverse voltage sufficient to reach the reverse-voltage breakdown point.
Conclusion. The above discussion reveals that Shockley diode behaves like a
switch. So long as the forward voltage is less than breakover voltage. Diode
offers very high resistance (i.e., switch is open) and practically conducts no current. At
voltages above the break-over value, Shockley diode presents a very low resistance
(i.e.,switch is close) and diode conducts heavily. It may be note that
Shockley diode is also known as PNPN or four layer diode or reverse-blocking
diode thyristor.
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Note: Once Shockley diode is turned ON (i.e.,it starts conducting), the only way
to turn it OFF is to reduce the applied voltage to such a value so that current flowing
through Shockley diode drops below its holding current (I H ) value.
Diode D 2 then comes
out of its reverse-breakdown state and its high-resistance value is restored. This, in
turn, causes the entire Shockley diode to revert to its hiht-resistance (switch open)