Bngladesh Population
Bangladesh Population
Bangladesh, in full, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, republic of southern Asia, within the northeastern portion of the Indian subcontinent, bordered on the west, north, and east by India, on the southeast by Myanmar (formerly referred to as Burma), and on the south by the Bay of Bengal. the world of the country is 147,570 sq km (56,977 sq mi).
Bangladesh Position within the world for overpopulation?
This country has the 8th largest population within the world with 163,317,317 or 2.11% of the Earth’s inhabitants living there in 2019. However, the country only has the 92nd largest acreage which suggests population density is high.
With a high birth rate and a coffee death rate, as shown within the graph below, the increase rate is around 1.01%. The results of this is often over-population because Bangladesh has more people than its resources can support.
What's the main religion in Bangladesh?
In terms of religions preferred by the population, we see that Muslim comes in with 89.1% of the population, Hindu with 10%, and other religions structure the remaining 0.9% (includes Buddhist, Christian) of the population.
What is the population of Bangladesh in 2021?
The current population of Bangladesh is 166,656,642 as of Tuesday, September 14, 2021, supported Worldometer elaboration of the newest United Nations data.
Population, term pertaining to the entire human inhabitants of a specified area, like a city, country, or continent, at a given time. Population study as a discipline is understand as demography. it's concerned with the dimensions , composition, and distribution of populations; their patterns of change over time through births, deaths, and migration; and therefore the determinants and consequences of such changes.
Population studies yield knowledge important for planning, particularly by governments, in fields like health, education, housing, Social Security , employment, and environmental preservation. Such studies also provide information needed to formulate government population policies, which seek to switch demographic trends so as to realize economic and social objectives.
Population problem is one among the foremost talk about topics of the planet now-a-days. In Bangladesh, it's been declare as favorite national problem. Hence Bangladesh is name bngladesh population an over populated country. In fact, her present population has come to a stage of explosion.
Past and Present Situation:
In the 1980s, Bangladesh faced no greater problem than increase . Census data compiled in 1901 indicated 29 million in East Bengal, the region that became Bangladesh and eventually Bangladesh. By 1951, four years after partition from India, Bangladesh had 44 million people, variety that grew rapidly up to the primary post independence census, taken in 1974, which reported the national population at 71 million. The 1981 census reported a population of 87 million and a 2.3 percent annual rate of growth .
Thus, in only 80 years, the population had tripled.
In July 1988, the population, by then the eighth largest within the world, stand at 109,963,551, and therefore the average annual rate of growth was 2.6 percent.
Consistent with official estimates, bngladesh population was expect to succeed in a population of quite 140 million by the year 2000.
Bangladesh’s population density provided further evidence of the issues the state faced.
In 1901, a mean of 216 persons inhabited one square kilometer. By 1951, that number had increased to 312 per square kilometer and, in 1988, reached 821. By the year 2000, population density was project to exceed 1,000 persons per square kilometer.
The crude birth rate
Per 1,000 populations was 34.6 in 1981. This rate remained unchanged in 1985, following a 20-year trend of decline since 1961, when it had stood at 47 per 1,000. the agricultural birth rate was above birth rates in urban areas; in 1985, there have been 36.3 births per 1,000 within the countryside versus 28 per 1,000 in urban areas. The crude death rate per 1,000 populations decreased from 40.7 in 1951 to 12 per 1,000 in 1985;
The urban crude death rate was 8.3, and therefore the rural crude death rate was 12.9. The infant deathrate rate per 1,000 live births was 111.9 in 1985, a definite improvement from as recently as 1982.When the speed was 121.9. anticipation at birth estimate at 55.1 years in 1986. Men and ladies have very similar life expectancies at 55.4 and 55, respectively. With a mean anticipation of 58.8 years. Urban dwellers in 1986 were likely to measure longer than their rural counterparts (average anticipation 54.8 years). The sex ratio of the population in 1981 was 106 males to 100 females.
In the late
1980s, about 82 percent of the population of Bangladesh (15.1 million households) resided in rural areas. With the exception of parts of Sylhet and Rangamati regions, where settlements occurred in nucleated or clustered patterns, the villages were scattered collections of homesteads surrounded by trees. Continuous strings of settlements along the roadside were also common within the southeastern a part of the country. bngladesh population.
Until the 1980s, Bangladesh was the foremost rural nation in South Asia. In 1931, only 27 out of each 1,000 persons were urban dwellers in what's now Bangladesh.
In 1931, Bangladesh had fifty towns; by 1951, the country had eighty-nine towns, cities, and municipalities. During the 1980s, industrial development began to possess alittle effect on urbanization. The 1974 census had put the urban population of Bangladesh at 8.8 percent of the total; by 1988, that proportion had reach 18 percent and was project to rise to 30 percent by the year 2000.
9,246 live births average per day (385.25 in an hour) 2,499 deaths average per day (104.12 in an hour).bngladesh population.

In 1981, only two cities, Dhaka and Chittagong, had quite 1 million residents. Seven other cities–Narayanganj, Khulna, Barisal, Saidpur, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, and Comilla–each had quite 100,000 people. Of all the expanding cities, Dhaka, the capital and therefore the principal seat of culture, had made the foremost gains in population, growing from 335,928 in 1951 to three .4 million in 1981.
Within the same period, Chittagong had grown from 289,981 to 1.4 million. A majority of the opposite urban areas each had between 20,000 and 50,000 people. These relatively small towns had grown up in most cases as administrative centers and geographically suitable localities for inland transportation and commercial facilities. There was no particular concentration of towns in any a part of the country. In fact, the sole large cities on the brink of one another were Dhaka and Narayanganj.
Final Touch
About 14 cross people sleep in Bangladesh, a rustic of 55.598 square miles. Our population is increasing by geometrical progression while agricultural production is increasing by arithmetical progression. The estimated population of Bangladesh (2003) is 138,448,210, making Bangladesh one among the ten most populous countries within the world. the general density, 938 persons per sq km (2,430 persons per sq mi) in 2003, is far above that of other countries apart from microstates like Singapore.
The distribution of the population is comparatively even, except within the sparsely populated Chittagong Hill Tracts District and therefore the almost much-uninhabited Sundarbans. Bangladesh supports an outsized rural population, with only 26 percent of the Bangladeshi people classified as urban in 2001. Most of the people are relatively young, nearly 60 percent being under the age of 25 and only 3 percent being 65 or older. anticipation at birth is 61 years.
If we expect about it in deeper level, we will find many causes of over population. My next discussion will plan to clear about the causes of Population Problem.
Children and families:
Falling infant and child mortality rates nearly worldwide were a triumph of 20th century science, public health, and economic development. However, adequate investment and policy attention to those crucial populations in both the us and internationally remains lacking. as an example , American children experience teen death rates as high as 236 per 100,000 within the District of Columbia.
In Sub-Saharan Africa , HIV/AIDS has left 14 million children orphaned. And while falling fertility in developing countries now presents a window of opportunity to take a position more within the health, nutrition, and schooling of every child—what demographers call the “demographic dividend”—few national governments are poise to require advantage of this chance .
Bangladesh offers
Bangladesh offers a desirable glimpse into the changing global population of the longer term . In Sub-Saharan Africa , fertility rates and increase remain high; against this , the Bangladeshi government, through a variety of initiatives, has made significant inroads into stabilizing growth. This, in turn, creates a double-edged sword; steadier growth has facilitated economic process , but has also placed increasing pressure on the natural environment.bngladesh population.
As it continues to evolve and adapt, Bangladesh is playing an increased role in global trade, migration, and current events. These dynamics have, in part, contributed to variety of social, environmental, and economic outcomes, which still evolve on a day to day . for instance , on July 29th, 2018, two schoolchildren within the capital, Dhaka, were ran over and kill by a speeding bus. bngladesh population.
This event ignited simmering tensions previously dormant in Bangladesh’s young population, triggering widespread protests involving tens of thousands of scholars thrusting this geographically small South Asian country into the worldwide spotlight. Such an event illustrates the latent outcomes of particular population structures and of adjusting social, political, environmental, and economic impacts of huge , young populations empowered by improvement in living standards. consistent with the United Nations (2017),bngladesh population.
Bangladesh is soon to graduate from the category of least developed country. Understanding demographics is a crucial key to understanding Bangladesh.
In the future, Bangladesh will struggle to deal with its growing population. the most challenges the country will face include:
1.feeding the population
2.deforestation within the Himalayas resulting in increased flooding
3.overcrowding and pollution within the capital, Dhaka
4.the increasing likelihood of stronger, more devastating tropical storms
5.the value of repairs from flooding and tropical storms means less money is invest publicly services
We know that if there's a drag there's an answer too. Population problem is that the effect of long process. The population may be a great problem of our country. Therefore, we'd like determine the solutions to unravel these problems. All classes of individuals should come to the fore with a view to uprooting this problem. bngladesh population.
There are often certain solutions that are give below:
• Providing Education:
one among the most solutions is education. it's said that education is that the light of life. Only education can solve the half this problem. If an individual is educate, he/she will understand the curse and dangerous effect of the increase . Everyone of the country must attend schools. Every women of the country should be educate up to a minimum of class 5. By educating the people, this problem are often solved .If, the people are educated; they're going to understand the importance of getting small family. By education, they're going to know the planet , science technology, and lots of more things. The superstition regarding child are going to be no more in their mind.bngladesh population.
Education will enlighten them for the higher life. Female education should be a compulsory for all girls of the country. the govt should give far more emphasis on education sectors. additionally , government should include the sex topics within the text. in order that the scholar can have a view to understand the important matter of over population. bngladesh population additionally , the scholars are going to be mention with the right knowledge of sexual matters. additionally , gradually they're going to take care of the matter .
• Raising awareness:
one among the foremost important solutions are often the raising of awareness among people. The people should know the precise situation of this situation in Bangladesh. additionally , they ought to realize their duties and responsibilities towards the state to unravel the matter . The people should get conscious of the very fact that the country has al ready an enormous problem .So, the people features a great part to try to to . additionally , for that reason, they need to be raise awareness in their mind for shielding the country from the over population.
• Family planning:
The foremost important solution is that the birth control of population problem in Bangladesh. the rise of population must be controlled through birth control department. birth control workers should visit every nook and corner of the village and convey the illiterate people of the importance of birth control . the agricultural people don't realize the birth control . Even they are doing not skills to regulate the birth of kid . they are doing not know the right use of condom and other things. there'll be a couple of problems with this. One is that the cost of creating the contraceptives available. this might be taken care of, again, by working together. If richer countries with less of a population problem could donate to the poor countries with more of a drag , then the prices would be covered. Therefore, it's vital to form them intimate the sex and birth control .
• Stopping polygamy:
Polygamy should be stopped within the society. There must be a requirement to setup a rule by government. The rule must be like this that one person cannot marry quite once. The traditions of some aristocratic families should be stopped. additionally , if anybody marries twice in life, the person should get punishment for that. action should be taken against polygamy. It are often controlled through Muslim marriage act of 1861.
• Stopping Early Marriage:
The custom of early marriage should be banded. action should be taken against the first marriages. There should be a system that a person shall not allow to marry before his affairs the age of twenty-five.
• Changing of spiritual Concepts:
There are many orthodox people within the country. they need many superstitions consistent with religion about birth controlling. The opinion of those orthodox people should be changed. they need to think practically. they ought to realize their condition of the family. additionally , should look on the particular situation of Bangladesh.
Media and Advertisements:
Media and advertisement features a great role of preventing over population.Differnt sorts of dramas, cinemas, Short films can show the important picture of over population within the country. additionally , there are often important message regarding child taking and birth control . By this, the national awareness are often raised among people and other people are often more benefited .The people are going to be gradually more curious about making alittle family instead of making an enormous family. Therefore, we will see that media features a great role to regulate over population and save the country. Again, there must be some advertisements regarding short family and other important topics on the matter of population. the govt should take measure to prevent over population by providing posters, leaflets and notices on the walls of the streets ,so that the mass people can read it carefully and may consider the subject
The population of Bangladesh is alarming. The impact of over population is so grievous and pathetic that there's no way aside from solving the matter instantly. the quality of living, political stability, and cultural values are degrading day by day. The state of affairs can't be allowed to continue. On the opposite hand, we should always determine the ways and means to utilize the prevailing population and on the opposite hand, we should always change the rapid climb of population.
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